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Abiding in God

Abiding in God

Reading:John 15:1-8

A Year Reading:Genesis 19-21

Nas:"Abide in Me and I in you. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit of itself, if it does not dwell on the vine, neither can you bear fruit, if ye do not abide in me." (John 15:4)

I bought the seeds of Zinnia flowers, because in hot Kupang Zinnia is able to grow well. Planted seeds, beautiful flowering two months later, withstand a full month of bloom, then produce seeds to splice the offspring. The whole house is happy to be able to enjoy the beautiful colorful flowers. Butterflies also benefit from its presence. Zinnia finishes her life well by benefiting humans and insects.

Is our life also worthwhile? The Bible states that if a seed falls into fertile soil, it will take root, grow and bear fruit. Many Christians hear God's words but their lives do not bear fruit according to the principles of God's words. Fruit-bearing is a sign of a living, growing and useful tree. Sometimes the branches need to be cleaned so that they can bear more fruit. One day God takes away all the best we love, and then confronts many problems in our lives. God's way is even elusive and contrary to our logic and thoughts. But it is through the presence of that problem that the degree of human life is judged. God knows what is best for each of His people.

Dwell in Jesus in the silence of prayer. In silence we can feel the presence of the Lord and listen to His promptings. Reading and listening to God's words is a way of knowing the secrets of God's heart. If we want to abide in Him and He in us, let's do what God wills.


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