Pusing Blogger : Above the Sky There Is Still a Sky

Above the Sky There Is Still a Sky

Above the Sky There Is Still a Sky

Feeling the smartest is not a good thing to do, although we usually unknowingly do it. This is what I experienced when I was in elementary school, precisely in the 6th grade of elementary school. It came not without cause, because I always got the 1st rank in the class. But without me noticing there is a friend of mine who is smarter than me, Dhana his name. The body is well-built, dashing and towering tall. He was always below me in the previous class but somehow in the 6th grade he was so smart than me.

It was my first day in 6th grade, my friends said the 6th grader was fierce, evil and resolute. I was a little scared at the time.

"You know what?, the homeroom teacher of the 6th grade is fierce loo, my brother has been punished for standing in the field" said one of my friends.
"I don't think so, if I'm not as fierce as that " I
replied "Yes I hope so" said my friend. It turned out to be true of my words, he was not so fierce, in fact, I liked the way he taught.

Day after day it was as usual without any serious problems I felt. Because at that time, I can be said to be very diligent and ambitious to get rank 1 again.

It didn't feel like UTS was coming, I faced the test with confidence and the results were satisfactory. I got a grade that can be said to be very good. This is what makes that feeling present itself, plus I am often praised by my friends and teachers.

"how come you can be so smart, do you often study and eat nutritious food?" asked Fajar, my deskmate
"Surely you always study hard Day and night, okay?" added Dhana.
"Ah, no, maybe that's what I'm capable of, Hehehe" I replied.

From there, my arrogance began to emerge, I became a little lazy to study and felt that I was already smart. plus at that time I was quite close to one of my female friends. My day I spent chatting via WhatsApp with him. It made my study hours decrease, which I usually spend every night studying tomorrow's lesson, now on this insignificant thing. Likewise, my value on UAS changed because of what I was doing at the time. Fortunately, my grades have not dropped too much. Even so, that value is arguably lower than Dhana.

At that time I hadn't noticed it yet, because Dhana didn't want to show me her grades and also the class rankings were not announced. I continued my bad habit anyway. After a grueling UAS, my school took a vacation to the Safari Park in Prigen. The holiday was at once a sign of the beginning of the struggle in the 6th grade.

Semester 2 also comes, this is the time for grade 6 students to determine their future. But I even relaxed and felt that I could be, I was the smartest of my friends. Even though after thinking about it, I still lost to Dhana. That feeling was triggered by the word my teacher that I still remember.
"This is how good it is, which other is it? Is it just a display or is it just to complete this class?"
The word was said by my teacher because I was always actively answering my teacher's questions, while my friend's friends were just silent including Dhana. Until now I still wonder why at that time Dhana was just silent.

Every day I'm just joking and not serious, even though this is where my nasih is at stake. At 1 month before Deuteronomy I was a bit out of school because of a trivial matter. The matter made me slumped and lazy to go to school. But luckily not for long, I returned to the way I was before after realizing that my future was more important. Even so, I still don't rush to study hard immediately because the taste has not disappeared, in fact, it is getting bigger.

A month where many replays came. There I was shocked by the large amount of material and I didn't understand it at all. I can only resign myself, and face test after test after test at that time. Fortunately, luck is still with me, Deuteronomy which has only been running for 1 week was postponed due to the Corona Virus entering Indonesia. The school was temporarily closed for 2 weeks. I spent the holiday playing games without caring about the Deuteronomy, even though if the holiday was used for learning maybe I could understand all the 6th grade material.

Due to the Corona Virus, it is increasingly widespread in Indonesia, schools remain on holiday. But I was still given test papers to do in their respective homes. At that time, I really had a hard time working on it, because there were no brothers or sisters to help. Plus I was also told to make a video for the practical exam. I did as much as I could and certainly not the maximum. At that time, I was struggling to find help from my friends, maybe they were lazy with me.

Even one month has passed, now is the time to divide the value of the report card. The report card was taken by my father at school, I just waited at home and hoped to get the maximum grades. After I saw the report card, it turned out that my score dropped drastically and I was also ranked 2nd under Dhana. That's where I'm so sad, my heart is like being slashed. I was also scolded severely by my mother because my grades dropped drastically.

It was the worst day of my life. But I'm grateful for learning from that. I regret that I underestimated my friends and realized that there is still sky above the sky. We must not feel above because above us there is still something better. Maybe I could have gotten a better grade if only I hadn't been arrogant and kept focusing on myself and ignoring people's words.


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