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Jalan-jalan di taman "Saya melihatnya setiap kali saya memejamkan mata: pistol di tangan saya dan tubuhnya tergeletak di genangan dara...

Love the Virtual World


Direct Message, September 25, 2022 8:03 pm
me "hi what's up??"
"can i ask for something? can u give me reason for what happened now? why don't you clarify something?"
"if you mind it's okay, i understand, i just want to say thanks and congratulations for your relationship"!
Him "I'm sorry I may not be a mate
Sorry also for the family" Me "
i just need your reason now. No matter, no once wrong, i just need clarification, just it!.
Him "The reason is I just want more affection and care, if anyone is more affectionate and considerate why not, and I'm sorry for you. We don't have a problem, it's okay.
Me "okay, good luck".

I think that's our conversation, more precisely I sent him the dm first, because since the last three weeks I've felt a difference in his attitude, and to be honest I've asked for an explanation during my second week in Indonesia, but he never gave me any answer or any explanation, and even tended to run away every time I asked.

Flashback on Around May 2020 I uploaded a photo on
my facebook page, and it also happened that it was the beginning of my start in Germany after 5 months.

When I reopened my facebook page, suddenly there was a message saying hello, the account name was Ryan Wijaya, because I was kepo after I replied to the message, then I opened the account and I was surprised when I saw that the origin of the city was the same as me, namely the city of Bandung.

The message continued until we finally knew each other from now on where and what to do and of course he also knew that we were in the same city, we continued to exchange whatsapp numbers.
Oh yes, he is again working as a Barista in the Danish city of Odense which borders Germany.

A year passed, our closeness continued to the courtship stage, even though we hadn't seen each other, but we were committed to meeting whether it was in Indonesia or abroad, and in that commitment I emphasized that if in the next year or two we haven't met maybe I will ask for a split, and he doesn't mind that.

We went through a beautiful day, even we knew each other's hours and habits, I was grateful also because he always accompanied my day and it happened that at that time there was a pandemic that made me rarely go out of the house, we often video call just to watch him work or me who was studying.

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Until the first year of the relationship between the two of us, she ran out of contract at the first company and she returned to Indonesia in April 2021.

The intention is that I will go home in month six, and then we can meet. But unfortunately because at that time it was still in a state of global pandemic which required many procedures to be able to go to a country, one of which was that we had to quarantine for 2 weeks in the destination country, while I only had a month because it was a campus holiday or a semester holiday.

For one reason or another I couldn't go home, a few months passed Ryan was still in Indonesia and I was with my daily life as usual, at that very moment I began to feel a change in his attitude, either because of our different time, oh yes the time difference between Germany and Indonesia is 5 hours, here I try to think positively because of this time difference.

At this time, we are a bit loose and rarely communicate, until I have just resigned myself, what do you want.

After a few weeks we started chatting again, he told me that if he wanted to try the job list to Switzerland, I still supported him, but a month and two months there was still no more news, so he decided to go back to Denmark which happened to be in this company he didn't have to bother with this anymore, just interview with making a video of his skills.

He went to Denmark precisely in the city of Copenhagen, at that time our relationship was close again, we began to accompany each other in our daily lives.

Oh yes, here I am more passive than him, he also began to take issue with my attitude that tends to be ignorant and inattentive, to be honest my indifferent and passive attitude is a form of my commitment before we meet in person and what kind of seriousness he gives me, because I can't and don't want to when I'm that comfortable and then I'm disappointed with reality, Either because we'll never meet, or whatever it is that keeps us from coming together in the end.

I kept this commitment until the end of our relationship, once he asked me to have more affection with me and others, I asked, what evidence can you give me instead? I also asked and proposed, what if we save together, come on you who are here or I am the one there? But the answer was a bit disingenuous and didn't show the seriousness with which he wanted to see me.

Here even though I am ignorant and not as considerate as he idealizes, but instead I am as serious as he is, I support him in his career on social media, I learn at editing events, how to make videos, I make on accounts etc.

But what she idealized at the time was more attention than my commitment, until she finally chose another woman.

And the thing I was most disappointed about his attitude was, he talked too much, nonsense, to the point that he started to get famous on one of the social media, at that time I started to feel his changes that hurt my feelings a lot, when we video call he started to open his social media and ignore me, even he preferred to video live with others instead of chatting with me like before before.

I started to make this happen, not that I banned it but it exceeded the limit, and what he said was: "this is just entertainment, only content, Just commenting".

Until he finally started to enjoy this phase of this, and started to meet a lot of other women and then compared me to others.

And one more thing that hurt my heart was, he didn't recognize me as his lover at all in public, under the pretext of "what is my private life for".

I just said yes, because I knew this kind of human way of thinking, and sure enough after some time, he started not contacting me anymore, and when I contacted him, what I was strange about was that he said "I'm working first", "I go to bed first", which in fact when we normally communicate with others wkwkw.

I also chose to just go, because it's useless every time I ask, he the reason for mulu and hanging is not clear, after one month I deleted the contacts of him and the others, I also checked his account again and it turned out that he was already the same as the others, I knew because he posted it, who said he didn't like umbar umbar eh in fact Only at that time because I was just the person, Maybe he's too embarrassed to admit me, I don't know.

From there my logic walked, although my heart was a little disappointed, but my logic of starting to reconsider men like that is an example of making future references when it comes to breaking to have a relationship.


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