1) Unit Testing:
In the event that you need to improve as an engineer in 2018, at that point you should take a shot at your unit testing aptitudes. What's more, not simply unit testing, but rather robotized testing? This likewise incorporates combination testing. You can learn JUnit 5 and other propel unit testing libraries like Mockito, Power Mock, Cucumber, and Robot to take your unit testing expertise to next level. Mockito is extremely effective and enables you to compose a unit test for complex classes by taunting conditions and simply concentrating on the items under test. In the event that you an apprentice in unit testing and need to learn it in 2018, you should gear up and work harder to compete your rivals.
2) Big Data and Java EE 8:
Big data has been a very trendy and encouraging field in the Software industry for the last 3 years. Plenty of jobs wait for the one who is comfortable with Big Data. This has been among top 10 technologies for the java developers in 2018. Many new features come with Java EE 8. Servlet 4.0 with support of http://2, new and improved JSON building and processing, improved CDI and Restful web services, new JSF version, new Java EE Security API are some of the updated versions in the field. But majority of back-end developers tend to pick Spring as their technology for java in 2018.
3) Node JS:
Today, we are pleased to have a platform that is built on the Chrome's Java Script runtime known as Node.js. This has helped a great deal for easy building of the fast and scalable network applications in the dynamic world today. The code has the property of being lightweight as Node.js is based on an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. This has emerged as recent trends in the technologies employed by the java developers of 2018. It is very efficient and is perfect for data intensive and Real Time (RT) applications that may run across any number of the distributed devices.
4) Design Patterns and Readability of the Content:
No doubt, design patterns are neither are a technology nor a framework, yet they are the field of discussion among the java developers in 2018. Even in the present scenario, readable, clean and maintainable code is the goal of many java developers and it has to be this way only.
5) Angular and React:
If want to be known as a full-stack developer, it is mandatory that you have considerable knowledge in front-end technologies too. For building an attractive and eye catching presentation layer of the web-app, Angular and React offer the opportunity to do this in a more convenient and time efficient manner. Though React and Angular are not the only options available nowadays, but still their growth and popularity is evident from the positive reviews given by the end consumers.
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