Pusing Blogger : Beautiful Brief Encounters

Beautiful Brief Encounters

Blooming Irma Sari, is my long name. Commonly called Bloom or Irma. But whether you want to be called Mekar, Irma, or Sari, I don't matter. As long as it's still connected with my long name.

Today is Friday at 11 o'clock in the afternoon. I, who usually go to school by motorbike at Mbak Inah, decided to take public transportation, namely angkot. Because Mbak Inah's husband, Pak Ridho, was using a motorbike that Mbak Inah used to take and pick me up to school.

The distance between my school and home is not so far. We only need to walk forward until we meet the grocery store and wait for angkot 04 in a straight direction to go to SMA Makmur Jaya 1. But no matter how close my school is, if you come at a mediocre hour, you can still be late when you get there. Therefore, Mbak Inah and I quickened our pace so that it was not too late.

Mbak Inah walled the fence of my house, I waited for her by the fence. While occasionally looking at the atmosphere around the house. I saw that there were already many students from the lower school, namely SMK Setia Budi, who returned home early. They came home when I had to go to school during the day shift. Of the many students passing by, there was one person who made both my eyeballs spin and focus on him. An interesting and different from all the others. The person passed by with his friend. Their stature is quite different. He is, like a guy who has a cold personality, cool style, and anti-girl. As for his friends, such as the types of students who often get into trouble. Hooligans once looked like.

Before they stepped through my house, Mbak Inah had finished walling the fence. He told me to hurry up quickly so I wouldn't be late. So me and Mbak Inah walked in front of them. It's a pity, I can't see the cold guy clearly.

While on the way to the grocery store, Mbak Inah and I talked a little about the school of SMK Setia Budi.
"Mbak, Setia Budi's school is good or not, right?" I asked with a worried face. Because behind us is a student of the Setia Budi school.
"I don't know, Sis. But said his friend Rini (Mbak Inah's son), the Hanifah, said that he really wanted to enter Setia Budi school. I really don't know the exact reason. But maybe the school is not good enough." Mbak Inah said bluntly. Although Mbak Inah showed a serious look, there were still whimsy smiles on her face. He is indeed mbakku who likes to do ignorant.

It didn't feel like we'd been chatting long enough, to the point that the grocery store was next to me. I couldn't even see any signs of the cool guy passing in front of us or walking in which direction. There was a feeling of regret in the chest for not paying attention to it further.

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"Sis, take an angkot gih. It's been nyampe tuh." Mbak Inah exclaimed by pointing to angkot 04 which was still empty. "Straight, right?" The angkot driver just nodded. Then I entered the angkot. Mbak Inah waved goodbye to me. Over time, the angkot that I was riding in drove quite fast. Until it made my gaze towards Mbak Inah start to blur and move away.

Just a few minutes, the angkot I was riding in suddenly suddenly burst into a sudden. Made me and a middle-aged woman spontaneously advance our bodies due to the pressure of the brake pedal. As it turned out, the angkot stopped because of two passengers who wanted to enter. The two passengers are students, oh wait, the cool guy from Setia Budi who was with his friend just now! They got into my angkot and that meant I was going to be in the same room with the guy!

My heart is glad it's not a head. I wanted to get acquainted with the cold guy, but the atmosphere at the time didn't allow us to reprimand each other. Finally I undone the intention to get acquainted with him. Until time and fate answer, whether I can get acquainted with him or not.

Put your mind at ease, Irma. My inner self in my heart.

Our angkot kept going. I sat by the exit. Meanwhile, he sat opposite me. It was right next to his friend just now. While in angkot, his friend never stopped asking for a chat. He chatted without any pause. I glanced back at them secretly, I saw that he didn't respond to his friend's chatter. His head just lowered like a person who didn't care. Maybe he didn't want to be talked to. Luckily I undone my intention to get acquainted with him. Maybe later I was peddled by him.

At the crossroads, his friend came out of the angkot and waved his hand at the cool guy saying, "Von, Gw first yak!" 'Von', is one word that should be remembered carefully immediately. It's not because of liking, it's just that curiosity can sometimes exceed even liking.

The guy is still there. Sitting quietly without saying anything. Now his head is no longer bowed. Instead it is facing towards the front. Seeing the streets filled with people in traffic with their vehicles. I, who was still waiting to be able to get to school, felt a little bored and didn't know what to do. Even though I could have invited these mothers to chat together. But I'm lazy to do it. Those mothers didn't reprimand me at all anyway.

An idea came to my mind. It's exactly a crazy idea related to that cool guy. The idea crossed my mind. Until I realized, that maybe this was the right time to get acquainted with him. My introduction was opened by questioning the name of my school. Stupid question indeed. Obviously there is a bet written SMK Setia Budi, I still ask where the school is. Noticing someone was greeting him, the guy immediately pointed his head at me. looked at who reprimanded him. Now I have to start a conversation about topics that are still around education. So that he doesn't suspect that I'm a stalker.

"Ah, sorry to interrupt. Am I okay to ask?" I said starting the conversation.
"Sure, what do you want to ask?"
"Is the school of SMK Setia Budi good?" Aih, what kind of question is this. Hearing my silly question just now, the guy immediately smiled at me. His eyes that aimed and pierced my heart seemed to be made soft and warm. He started the next conversation more quietly and orderly. Without being surprised and keeping your distance.

"That school of mine..." The guy also began to tell many things about his school, SMK Setia Budi. Disadvantages, advantages, and interesting things he always tells. I tried to hear the words coming out of his mouth to keep my heart from ticking. Even so, there was a feeling of wonder in my heart. Why did she get better and warmer? Isn't he a guy who looks like a cold ice cube? I don't know, maybe I'm not the one who harmed him or annoyed him. That's why he tried to be kind to me.

At the end of our meeting, I had to get off the angkot. Because my school is just right in sight. Makmur Jaya High School 1. But before actually going down, I had time to ask him about the most important questions when getting to know new people. "Btw, what's your name? And how much is your class?"
"Haha, I guessed you asked this. My name is Davon and I'm in 12th grade. If you?" Wih, kakel nih. I thought.
"I'm Irma, 11th grade. Means I'm your class sister, huh?" He hadn't had time to answer, the angkot driver reprimanded me. "So it's down, Neng?" I was taken aback. "Huh, yes. Sorry, sir. Uh, Davon see ya soon." I said as I exited the angkot and waved goodbye to him. He waved back at me.

And since then, I have never seen him again until now. So our meeting I refer to as, "Beautiful short meeting."


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