Any of us, with the added perspectives of experiencing life, are witnessing a period in American history, which appears quite a bit different, from anything in recent memory. While there has always been political differences of opinion, today, there often appears, to be, a somewhat, dysfunctional discourse, where there is little attempt to achieve, a meeting, of the minds, aimed at achieving viable solutions, at least, aimed at securing some sort of common ground. We are witnessing, in my opinion, unfortunately, a period, where vitriol and super - charged, rhetoric, is replacing, an attempt towards common good, and empty, emotionally charged, rhetoric, has led to blaming and complaining, and polarizing the citizens of this nation. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly examine, consider and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, how this has created an uneasiness amongst many, and why so many Americans are facing FEARS, on a constant basis.
1. Face facts; future; fruition; faithful; freedoms: Many believe, we are witnessing, a clear, and present danger, to the freedoms, we have taken, for granted. Rather than face facts, President Trump, articulates slogans and catch - phrases, seemingly to appeal to his core supporters, and often, without caring about reality. Political fact - checkers, have stated, he lies about six times per day, and thus, many have lost faith in this President. The fact, few things have been brought to a satisfying fruition, creates additional uneasiness.
2. Empathy; excellent; ethics; evolving: Wouldn't it be comforting if elected officials, seemed to care about those they are supposed to serve and represent, rather than their political agenda and self - interests? Our fears have been expanded, because there seems, to be little focus on excellence. Rather than draining the swamp, this administration has appeared to care little about genuine, ethical behavior, and appears to ignore evolving, relevant, sustainable needs.
3. Attitude; attention; articulate: When leaders blame and complain, and fail to accept personal responsibility, it portrays a negative attitude, and diverts attention, from where we should focus. Trump articulates a simplistic theme, avoiding sustainability or reality.
4. Relevance; reality; right: If leaders focused on what was right, rather than politically expedient, and attempted to be relevant, and realistic, rather than simply focusing on politics, our nation would be far better served.
5. Stronger; sustainable; system: We should demand, they keep their promises, and make us stronger, and pay keen attention to sustainability, quality solutions, and improving the system, for the common good.
We need and deserve better leadership, and representatives, who reduce our FEARS. Only when Americans demand better, will this occur.
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook
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