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Why Your Health Requires You, To LISTEN To Your Body?

An ounce of prevention. How often have you heard someone use these, or similar words, when giving you advice, in terms of the best way to proceed? Doesn't it make sense, if/ when, you are able to recognize, and understand, early warning signs, symptoms, etc, and take some sort of proactive steps, you will be better served, and enhance your chances, to enjoy a happier, healthier life? In many cases, minor aches, and pains, and/ or. anything, you notice, which seems different, and/ or, unusual, may help you, pursue your finest efforts! Your overall health, generally benefits, when you LISTEN, to whatever, your body, tells you, and indicates. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

1. Learn; lessons: Make the effort, to take the time, and make the effort, to learn, from everything you learn, which relates to your health, and well - being! These lessons, when used properly, often, help to discover, in the earliest stages, anything, which may seem different, and/ or, unusual!

2. Identify; impacts; ideas; image: What is your self - image, and, do you, do, whatever you can, to enhance your overall health and happiness? Consider the ideas, and items, which might make you happier, and healthier!

3. Solutions/ solve; serving; system; sustainable: Medical and health professional recommend many systems, for us, to use, to examine our bodies, in order to recognize, any early irregularities, etc. For example, it is recommended, for women, to give themselves, breast examinations, to check for lumps, irregularities, etc. When we detect anything, earlier, instead of later, the ability to cure, solve, and resolve any health challenge, is exponentially, improved! Sustainable health, and well - being, must focus on serving our personal needs, and requirements, and solving potential issues, with a longer - term, solution, and plan, to become, as healthy, and happy, as possible!

4. Time - tested; timely: Many preventative techniques and approaches, should be learned, understood, recognized, used, and taken advantage of! Using time - tested approaches, in a well - considered, timely manner, makes a considerable difference!

5. Emphasis; excellence: Placing one's focus, and emphasis, on genuine excellence, and pursuing the best approaches, makes a significant difference, for the better!

6. Needs: When you address your needs, proactively, and in your best - interests, your chances, and opportunities, for better health, and happiness, are significantly improved, and enhanced!

LISTEN to your body, and you'll know, what is needed, earlier, and may help yourself, be happier and healthier! Be your best friend, instead of your enemy!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://plan2lead.net and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health: http://facebook.com/althealth

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