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Preparing Your Home For Market: 5 Bang - For - The - Buck, Ideas

By Richard Brody

Homeowners decide and determine, for a variety of reasons, it may be, the right time, to place their house, on the real estate market, in order to try, to get it sold, at the best, possible price, with the least amount of hassle, in the least amount of time. Quality real estate agents, strongly recommend, and direct their clients, to address certain, specific issues, which might make, make it more attractive, and marketable. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 factors, which, when addressed, generally will enhance the house's value, and attractiveness, and, therefore, help its possible market, and sales possibilities.

1. Curb appeal: When a prospective, potential, qualified buyer, comes, to view your house, and property, it is important to remember, consider, understand, and address, the concept, You only get one chance, to make a first impression! When one approached your home, what is that first impression? Does it make him, more interested, and intrigued, wanting to see more, or, turn - him - off? Take an objective look, and address anything, which detracts, from any potential positives! This factor, known as, curb appeal, includes, both the house, as well as property/ grounds, and the homeowner must recognize and realize, he must weigh the bang - for - the - buck, or, what is often referred to, as return on investment, or R.O.I. Small, inexpensive items, such as trimming hedges, planting a few colorful flowers, mowing the lawn, and paying attention to windows and doors, are important to recognize, and consider!

2. Localized painting (inside and outside): While painting the entire house, may be expensive, doing so, on a localized, site - specific, approach, often makes sense! Pay particular attention to the front door, and window trim, as well as obvious discolorations, peeling, etc.

3. Cleaning: Quality, complete, comprehensive, thorough cleaning, goes a long way, towards attracting buyers. This includes, windows, floors, walls, thorough dusting, etc.

4. De - clutter: Although, you may be used to it, clutter distracts attention, in a negative manner! Sometimes, you may become blind, to it, and a professional real estate agent, should point it out, in an objective way!

5. Address the grounds: Don't forget about the grounds, of the property. Are the flower - beds, well - maintained, and prepared, the lawn, mowed, and maintained, and are trees, trimmed, neat and clean?

The better, you look, at your house, as potential buyers, would, the finer, your results! Be a prepared home - seller, and the experience will be a happier, more successful one!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson, for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: http://PortWashingtonLongIslandHouses.com and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate: http://facebook.com/PortWashRE

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