There is a linear sequence of steps a "normal" person is supposed to follow, as prescribed by society, starting at childhood and extending all the way into adulthood. An adult is supposed to live according to one of the most standardized of all roles, with a societal expectation of holding a job, being responsible, and living life in a fairly routine manner. It is referred to as the 9 to 5 life and everyone is "working for the weekend".
This is a society which requires gainful employment, if a person is to survive, even at a basic existence. Those who are unemployed or struggling are often looked down upon as "less than" as they have not lived up to their role and the societal expectation. As a result, many people take jobs, or stay in careers, simply out of economic necessity.
What happens when having a career, living a routine or "normal" life, and following the crowd, no longer seems to bring personal and/or spiritual fulfillment? What does a person do when it feels as if they are simply going through the motions? What should a person do if they have no sense of inner direction, and now they are feeling lost?
The first answer people are taught is to go to their religious institution for guidance. They are taught to pray and if they have lived their lives in the manner prescribed by their institution, their prayers might be answered. Other people may seek out spiritual teachers and/or motivational speakers, in a quest for answers. In this quest for preachers, leaders, teachers, and speakers, people are looking for someone who can give them answers.
But rarely are those direct answers heard and if they are, they are not internalized as a person has to know the origin of the answers first before they can accept hearing the wisdom they need. When a person needs spiritual guidance, the typical response is to tell them it is based upon a set of conditions as established by the religious institution. Even many spiritual leaders and Law of Attraction teachers want to encourage dependency, rather than teach true self-awakening.
What I have learned through my growth as a Laws of the Universe Teacher, is the ability of every person to awaken to the connection to the endless energy of life within them, the source of life energy, which is a direct connection to the Collective Consciousness of mankind. Yet I find many people still develop a sense of being lost and when they do, I want to have words to help empower them. This is what I focused on as I was connected to the stream of Collective Consciousness and higher order Universal Wisdom. I will share with you what I have learned.
A universal truth is this: A sense of feeling lost is an internal disconnection, from knowing and feeling the connection to the source of life energy, to a condition of self-imposed disbelief.
A disconnection is a retraction from the source of life energy, much like unplugging an electrical appliance from an outlet. The electrical appliance will no longer function, now that it has been separated from its source of power, the energy source.
For humans, they are an energetic being, extended into a physical form. The energetic connection remains, with the mind as the transmitter and a receiver. This creates a powerful connection to the source of life energy.
If a person is feeling bad enough about themselves, it is possible for them to disconnect from this connection to the source of life energy, or at the very least, mute it. This stops the feeling of well-being and peace, as the wisdom needed for answers in life is now muted and it feels as if it is gone or missing.
Being Disconnected, Not Separated
What is important to know is that a person can disconnect from the source of life energy, which means they are actually blocking or muting it, but they cannot permanently remove it. There can be what feels like a disconnection but there is never a separation from a physical human being and the source of life energy as the two are forever intertwined, until the human form is shed.
Feeling lost is that feeling of disconnection, when a person feels so bad they have created a sense of blockage within their mind. They have become overwhelmed with fear, despair, loneliness, grief, or any other negative emotions. When the focus is on the negative emotions only, this can prevent a person from tapping into the source of life energy, which is a stream of well-being and positive feelings.
It is Natural to Feel Good
It is a natural state of being to feel good, but in a society surrounded by negativity in the news and online sources, feeling bad seems a better alternative at times. The group mentality also influences how a person feels and if a group of people are angry, it can create a unified sense of disconnection.
In contrast, a person who feels connected to the source of life energy, and remembers to feel good about their life, they will know where to look for answers when there are questions. There will be a feeling of hope, even during times of challenge, as the connection to the source of life energy is powerful and the more a person attunes to it, the stronger they become in their perseverance, determination, and courage. This person knows the power of their own mind.
When You Feel Lost, Try This
If you feel lost about any aspect of your life, the first order of business is not to ask someone else for help. Instead, examine your frame of mind.
Can you sit and listen, even for just five minutes?
Can you find some method of reflecting, such as writing on a piece of paper?
Anything you can do to begin to focus your thoughts and turn within is going to help you now, to reestablish your connection to power within your own mind.
The purpose of reflection is to begin to remember the positive aspects of your life. You want to tap into the positive stream as this is where the source of life energy resides. Think of the happy memories of time spent doing what you love, or time spent with those who you care about or love. Try to remember about your accomplishments and any goal you have completed recently. Consider your strengths and any challenges you have met head on in your life. There is a source of strength within you that you can remember as you write and this will help your flow of writing.
As you develop or redevelop your connection to the source of life energy, which was always there and now you are working to strengthen and remember it, your feeling of being lost will subside as insight and wisdom flows to you.
A feeling that you are unable to find your way in life will only become serious again when you accept it as the final answer and/or you refuse to reconnect with your inner source of spiritual strength.
The more you practice attuning or connecting to the power within your own mind, the less you will need someone else to help you find answers. Within you is a connection to the endless energy of life. You are never lost, unless you do not want to be found.
Dr. J's mission is to teach, write, and inspire others as an educator, author, writer, mentor, and teacher.
Dr. J writes blog posts, articles, and books to inform, inspire, and empower readers.
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