To best understand the relationship of grief healing and PIG IN A POKE a postscript is beneficial:
What does a pig in a poke mean?
The expression pig in a poke refer to a confidence trick originating in Europe in the Late Middle Ages, when meat was scarce, but cats and dogs were not. The scheme entailed the sale of a poke (a bag) unopened that would actually contain a cat or dog, which was substantially less valuable as a source of meat than a pig. The idiom or saying implies that if a pig is bought when it is in a poke, or bag, something is sold or bought without the buyer knowing its true nature or value, especially when buying without inspecting the item beforehand. A pig in a poke is something that is obtained without first getting a good look at it, literally or figuratively. A pig that's in a poke might turn out to be no pig at all. The phrase can also be applied to accepting an idea or plan without a full understanding of its basis.
Horrendous Grief & Loss:
Grief Happenings can cause a lack of clarity and result in a complex misperception; such that you may discover your grief and loss may seem like a pig and a poke. You may feel your pig in a poke (your grief ) was obtained without first getting a good look at it first yet required to accept your sorrow and loss without a full understanding.
Your Lower Valued Condition:
You may not want a dog or cat. Nor do you want a grief deck of cards dealing the grief hand you now hold. You may feel the grief merchant has dealt from the bottom of the deck and tried to cheat by substituting a lower value want. Confusion and uncertainty may be present. Healing may be blurred. You may doubt yourself.
"A person who doubts himself, is like a man who enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself." ~Alexandre Dumas
Unwanted unexpected grief happenings don't always creep up on you they often come with the speed of a bolt of lightning. Healing solutions may be unclear. How to stop grieving and start healing may be vague and unclear. Your horrendous grief has caused you to feel you are in an undervalued condition.
Letting Your Cat Of The Bag:
In the past, it was common for small farmers to put a pig in a cloth sack to bring it to market for sale. A poke is a sack still in use in several English-speaking places, including Scotland and some regions of the United States.
Letting your grief and loss diminish and healing hope magnify is a much-desired accomplishment. Although you have not willingly purchased a grief cat in a bag you have nonetheless been given sorrow in your bag of life. An optimistic warning is to not 'buy a sorrow cat' but your horrendous grief happening has willed that you would. Healing steps could be uncovered by letting the cat out of the bag - stopping grief from controlling your inner self. This must be your mindset. Grief never finishes; It changes. It is a passageway of time, not a place to stay. Grief is not a lack of faith, nor a sign of weakness. It is the price of living through life's circumstances.
Your healing solution may well be "letting the cat out of the bag" and reveal hope, peace and healing. At all times, embrace all positive available social media, technology, internet, and all other beneficial and essential resource solutions. Horrendous unexpected grief must not control how you heal. Your grieving condition must not be what determines your value. Overcoming despair, grief and loss should be your highest priority. Letting your sorrowful cat out of your grief bag depends on how you take action to experience lasting peace and happiness.
Look upon today as a new day. Many will seize it. Many will live today to the fullest. Why not you!
Do you want to discover the essential 7 Grief Relief Must-Have Strategies to move beyond your grief and loss? Learn how to recover from your loss and sorrow and Reclaim Happiness. Visit to get your FREE 7-day audio e-course - a ($97) value. Duane H. Marchant has walked his own grief path and believes life is precious and dedicates his time to helping all who sorrow - stop grieving & start healing. Duane has an unwavering belief that there is hope and peace beyond even the most profound and painful experiences of life. He is a Grief Relief Specialist, an author, grieving niche speaker, coach, amputee, caregiver, and founder of Grief Relief Academy.
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